7 Ways to Keep Your Drainpipes Clean.

Plumbing problems can be more serious than a simple stopped up sink, especially in older homes. A home’s entire sewer system can become backed up, a problem that will require the service of a professional plumber. Drains are responsible for filtering and flushing away water and any debris on its way.

There are things you can do as a homeowner to maintain your sewer pipes and keep your sewer system from clogging. One of the easiest ways to prevent them from clogging, is by watching what goes into them.

Your sewer system is like a tree. The main sewer line going from your home to the city sewer would be the trunk of that tree, while your kitchen and bathroom lines are the branches. All lines (branches) go to the trunk which can cause a major back up problem that may cost you a lot of money and headache. Here are some plumbing tips to help you avoid needing a plumber for drain cleaning for a clogged drain or pipe.

1. Avoid Pouring Grease Down the Sink

Oils and grease can create major clogs when bonding with other solid elements. Instead of pouring grease down your sink, pour it in a can or old container and throw it away. For our coffee drinkers, empty containers work well. If there is any grease build up in your drain, you can remedy it with liquid dish soap and hot water.

2. Use Drain Traps to Prevent Clogs

Crumbs, hair, eggshells, and coffee grounds are just a few items that struggle to flow down your kitchen or shower drains. To prevent getting clogged drains, place a drain trap over the sink. These can be purchased at your local Walmart, hardware store, or even your Dollar Store. Remove them daily to clean them and throw away any unwanted substances.

3. Keep Solid Items Out

When it comes to keeping your drains clean and clear, it is important that you do your part. Avoid placing any of the following into the drain, place them in your garbage instead.

Coffee Grounds – Coffee grounds to not dissolve in water and can clump together, causing blockage. Even worse, the built-up grounds can attract pests.

Instead of pouring grounds down the sink, you can use them as compost. Your plants will enjoy them as well.

Paint – Paint contains chemicals and pigments that can cause corrosion, which will weaken and damage your pipes over time.

Kitty Litter – Especially the clumping kind is made of absorbent materials such as clay and will expand when exposed to water. When flushed down your toilet, it will get stuck in your pipes and create a blockage.

Eggshells – Eggshells breakdown into smaller pieces when they come in contact with water. Overtime they accumulate in your pipes and leave behind a sticky residue that can trap other materials, making your clog even worse.

Flour – Now I know you have mixed flour and water in your lifetime. What does it turn into, an unforgiving blob of stickiness. Now picture that in your drains.

Pasta and Oatmeal – Both will expand with water even when cooked and should not be put down your drains.

Since garbage disposals struggle sometimes to break down these elements, you could cause a tub drain blockage by putting them down your sink. The general rule of garbage disposals is: if you can’t break it down with your teeth, don’t ask your disposal to do it.

Whenever you use your garbage disposal, run cold water down the drain to keep oil and grease in a solid state. Doing this will make it easier for the disposal to break down any grease or oil.

4. Do Not Flush Wipes and Other Hygiene Products Down the Toilet

The only thing that should be flushed down your toilet, besides human waste, is toilet paper. Yes, I know those wipes say they are flushable, but they take longer to breakdown than toilet paper. Since the breakdown of wipes isn’t as rapid, clogged pipes and blockage occur more frequently. Feminine hygiene products, such as tampons and sanitary pads can expand when exposed to water. So, flushing them down the toilet, almost guarantees a clog.

5. Keep Trees, Bushes, and Other Plants Away from the Sewer Line

The most common cause for clogged sewer pipes is due to trees that are planted too close to the sewer line. Tree roots can grow into the pipes, causing clogging and even destroying the lines, if the problem goes unchecked. As roots continue to grow, they expand and can cause pressure at the crack or joint where they enter the pipes. The force exerted by the root growth will break the pipe and could result in a total collapse. If you suspect this is an issue for your home and pipes call a professional plumbing company to come out and perform a camera inspection.

6. Use DIY Drain Clearing Solutions

Store bought drain cleaners can be harmful to your drains and can cause more problems than solutions.

There are caustic materials in the cleaners that can eat through the pipe itself. Chemical drain cleaners can damage PVC, galvanized steel, copper and iron pipes. It is possible that drain cleaners can make the clog worse. The chemicals within drain cleaners can corrode pipes and cause more damage over time. This can lead to leaks or even bursting, which can make a clog worse by creating an additional blockage.

It is best to use an enzyme cleaner instead of a chemical based cleaner. For cleaning kitchen sinks and bathroom drains, you can use a practical, cheap drain cleaner, dish soap and hot water. Both are safe for your drains, and dish soap tends also to be a degreaser, which is excellent for kitchen sinks.

Pour a good amount of dish soap (few tablespoons) into the drain and let sit a few minutes. Put the drain stopper into the drain, then fill the basin with cold water. Remove the drain stopper to drain the water, which will whisk away the loosened grease and grim. You can also use this method on bathroom sinks, bathtubs, showers, and even toilets.

While a lot of DIY blogs will tell you to use baking soda, salt, and vinegar, the baking soda’s abrasive nature will wear down your drain over time. Salt will react with the lining of your pipes causing it to corrode. Corrosion deteriorates the pipe material, causing them to become weak and unable to hold water pressures to a certain extent and can eventually burst or leak.

When in doubt it is best to call a professional plumber to assess and address the situation to prevent any further damage.

7. Perform a Maintenance Rodding Once a Year

An annual rodding cleaning can help keep your sewer line clear of debris and anything else that could cause a serious clog. Depending on the age of your pipes or how many clogs you have had in the past, you might consider rodding cleaning more often, but most homes will be good with a cleaning once a year from a professional plumber.

Bonus Tips for Clog-Free Pipes

  • Run water down your drains every day for about 30 seconds to keep them free of debris.

  • To keep your garbage disposal clear, continue running the water for about 5 seconds after you use the disposal.

  • Never pour hot oil or grease down a sink, regardless of whether or not you have a garbage disposal.

  • Be conscience of what you and your family are putting in those branch lines.

No one wants to deal with the unexpected, clogged drain or disgusting sewer backups. Save yourself the extra time and headaches and have RootBusters Plumbing come out and get your sewer system flowing trouble free. Call 844-247-7668 for a free estimate.


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